Tag: ‘mečiarizmus’

  • Mio-Mio: List der Vernunft (Cunning of Reason)
    instant opera, premiere
    Friday, November 11, 2011, 8pm

    Where there´s a will, there´s an idea. Radically subjective interpretation of relationship of two brothers (V. M. and V. K.), who lie in each other´s eyes.
    Dramaturgy: Fedor Blaščák
    Directed by: Martin Ondriska
    Music: Stanislav Beňačka, Marek Piaček
    Performers: Mio-Mio: Marek Piaček, Stanislav Beňačka
    Production: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie s podporou Ministerstva kultúry SR
    In Slovak and Czech.
    Admission: 5,00 / 3,00 € (adults [...]

  • Memory Kontrol – Mečiarism „post scriptum“
    public discussion
    Friday, November 11, 2011, 5pm

    Fifth, and final discussion about mečiarism. Who else should have the final word, if not Vladimir Mečiar himself? We are very pleased, that he accepted our invitation. Will we learn about the truth, how everything has happened?
    Debater: Vladimír Mečiar
    Introduced by: Fedor Blaščák
    In Slovak only.
    Admission: 2,00 / 1,00 € (adults / students)

  • Memory Kontrol – Mečiarism 4
    public discussion
    Thursday, November 10, 2011, 6pm

    Forth of the series of discussions, which aimed on telling a compact oral-historical record about beginnings of political and economical transformation in Slovakia after 1989.
    We are honored to welcome significant political actors of that time, who witnessed Vladimir Mečiars´ rise to power.
    Debaters: Petr Pithart, František Mikloško, Ján Budaj a Peter Zajac
    Introduced by: Fedor Blaščák.
    In Slovak [...]

  • Memory Kontrol – Documentaries
    Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 7pm

    Najšťastnejší deň Anny Mečiarovej / The Happiest Day of Anna Mečiarová
    (Fero Fenič, ČR, 1992, 20 min.)
    Noc, keď sa rozpadol štát / The Night, When the State Collapsed
    (Marcel Děkanovský, Jožo Horal, Vladislav Kvasnička, Fero Fenič, ČR, 1992, 20 min.)
    Slovenské tango 2 / Slovak Tango 2
    (Dušan Trančík, ČR, 1994, 20 min.)
    Taká malá propaganda / Such a [...]

  • Bad Society / Deposit
    November 9 - December 4, 2011, Plusmínusnula gallery

    Martin Piaček: April 26, 1996, explosion of Róbert Remiáš’s car
    part of an open cycle “The biggest flubs of slovak history”
    Zlá spoločnosť / Bad Society
    Peter Kalmus, Michal Murin, Lucia Nimcová, Martin Piaček, Tomáš Rafa, Rafani, Peter Rónai, XYZ
    Depozit / Deposit
    Bust installation of founders of Slovak statehood (different authors, property of Slovak National Museum)
    Peter Kalmus and [...]

  • Memory Kontrol – Mečiarism
    Wednesday – Friday, November 9-11, 2011

    Memory Kontrol is an intellectual workshop, and a festival, which reflects key events and stages of recent Czechoslovak history. This years edition is dedicaded to “mečiarism”, a period, which we all clearly remember. Films, exhibitions, discussions, school program, theatre.

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 5pm, Plusmínusnula gallery
    exhibition opening
    Bad Society / Deposit
    Bad Society is a title of an [...]

  • Memory Kontrol – Meciarism, part 2
    Public discussion
    Thursday, June 9, 2011, 6pm

    The road roller from Zlatá Idka set in motion during the parliamentary “Night of the Long Knives” in December 1994. It got colder in Slovakia. The president’s son kidnapped. Róbert Remiáš murdered. Cancellation of voucher privatization. Foiled referendum. Demarches from Brussels. Farewell to Democracy.
    What was it like in Slovakia with Ján Ľupták, Ján Slota and [...]

  • Memory Kontrol – Mečiarizmus
    Public discussion
    Thursday, May 19, 2011, 6pm

    First one out of public discussion series on time period, which we can still remember. It is not our aim to send “meciarism” off to become history. On the contrary, we would like to identify the basic traits and principles of “meciarism” together with observers and agents of the time’s battle for Slovak democracy. Needless [...]

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