Peter Getting: Studne mútne (Muddy Wells)
Thursday 15. 11. 2012, 6pm, Žilina Artforum

Peter Getting Studne mútneSpisovateľ o spisovateľoch a o umeleckej kolaborácii. Prednáška spojená s projekciou a živým prednesom Alžbety Vrzgulovej.

Author essay of writer Peter Getting entitled Studne mútne (Muddy Wells) is about engagement and collaboration of Slovak writers and artists between 1939-1945. It focuses on period production, magazines and books, but also political pieces, poems and public statements, cooperation with the regime, responsibility of an artist / individual. The goal is to connect pieces of mosaic into a picture of artistic collaboration, typical not only for this period but after fascism used in communism and mečiarism, until democratic today, as well.

An extract from this piece is presented on various lectures, e.g. during international scientific conference on the topic of “Collaboration and resistance in Slovakia and countries under German influence between 1939 - 1945″. It was published in the memorial volume of the same name titled “Description of artistic collaboration of members of Slovak literature scene during totalitarian regime 1939-1945″

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Peter Getting (1975) is prosaic, writer and author of Klietka (2007) and Mrchovisko (2010). As a journalist, he started in MY Žilinské noviny, worked in Plus 7 dní, posts in streetpaper Notabene. He cooperates on various civil activities, for example annual protest event Dosť bolo ticha (Enough of Silence). Currently, he is working on the collection of stories Tiene (Shadows).

Free entry.

podpora: MK SR, Nadácia Intenda, Visegrad Fund

support: MK SR, Nadácia Intenda, Visegrad Fund

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