Farewell Vegan sunday
Sunday 26. August 2012, 5pm

Vegánska nedeľaPopular gastro-event held by Nataša Prelog from Slovenia for the last time. Nataša, after a year-long voluntary exchange at Stanica is returning home. This time, we´ll experiment with food on all kinds of vegan ways. Your recipes of all kinds are welcome!

The event is being organized by Nataša Prelog (Slo), currently working as a volunteer at Stanica, within European Voluntary Service of the European Union program Youth in action.

Mládež v akcii

Download the recipes from Stew vegan sunday, Grilled vegan sunday, Traditional vegan sunday and Sweet vegan sunday.

Consume fee voluntary.

You can find photos on our flickr account HERE.
Recipes - Farewell Vegan Sunday.
You will find here video from all five Vegan Sundays: Sweet, Traditional, Grill, Guláš and Farewell.

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  1. veľmi sa na akciu teším - v júli mi chýbali fajn ľudia, s ktorými som sa tam zoznámila a tiež nejaká tá inšpirácia… verím, že vegánska nedeľa ostane v Stanici zachovaná a “neodíde” spolu s Natašou…

  2. Snažíme sa akciu udržať aj po Natašinom návrate do Slovinska. Keby ste chceli pri tom pomôcť, vítame!

  3. Rozpravali sme sa s Jakubom na poslednej akcii o pomoci pri priprave dalsich veganskych nediel…. Nemam ale na Jakuba kontakt - zabudla som si vypytat, aby som sa mu ozvala a v kontaktoch som ho nenasla… Mozete mi, prosim, posunut e-mail alebo mobil? Dakujem!

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