Tag: ‘verejna diskusia’

  • The Hospital of Žilina
    discussion of NGO “Against Corruption”
    Wednesday 1st April 2015, 5 pm

    What is happening in Žilina´s hospital? A part of patients and doctors is unhappy. Collective dismissal of doctors and nurses led to the fact that the head of the hospital Mr. Volák was fired. NGO Against Corruption wants to ask the ones who are engaged in this situation in the name of public. Guests of [...]

  • Is stealing state forrest still happening?
    public discussion – OZ Proti korupcii
    Monday 18. 11., 7pm

    Until today, we do not know the results of investigations of suspicions of state forrest assets misappropriation. 4 years ago, then employee Ján Mičovský warned the public to major facts about stealing in the company. Is the case definitelly forgotten or is there still any hope that the justice will win? Proti korupcii (Against the [...]

  • Memory Kontrol: Socialism
    public discussion
    Thursday 18. 10. 2012, 5pm

    Opinions on socialism and outlasting of its principles in the present time. Well-known journalists, scientists of politics and economy are invited.
    The discussion will be simultaneously interpreted into English.
    Michal Havran, head-director of www.JeToTak.sk
    Michal Polák, an economist and philosopher
    Entry: 2.00 / 1.00 € (adults / students)

  • Photo-report from last week

    Concert Kompost 3 (At), Vojtěch Procházka Trio (Cz, No), public discussion Memory Kontrol: Corruption - a family friend, exhibition opening Christiana Caro (Usa): There, there, competitive exhibition Slam Poetry #2, critical mass and cycloelegace.

    Photo: Natália Zajačiková

  • Memory Kontrol: Corruption - a family friend
    public discussion
    Thursday, 19th April 2012, 7pm

    Big politics and big business are a history of corrupted partnerships. A private discussion within the Memory Kontrol series, will focus on corruption from a historical point of view - it´s nothing new in our country.
    Mgr. László Vörös, PhD. a Mgr. Peter Šoltés, PhD. - independent science researchers of Historical department of SAV. They focus [...]

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