Tag: ‘martin ondriska’

  • Mio-Mio: Lesť rozmyslu
    instant opera
    Saturday, 4 February, 2012, 7pm

    Where the will is, an idea follows.
    Three act instant opera about merging and splitting Czechoslovakia. Artistic duo Mio-Mio, Marek Piaček and Stano Beňačka, is well-known for experimenting with music and new musical-theatrical forms. Also the topic of Slovak nation evolution from its rebirth until Czechoslovakia splitting in 1993 has unusual form of contemporary opera, using new [...]

  • Mio-Mio: List der Vernunft (Cunning of Reason)
    instant opera, premiere
    Friday, November 11, 2011, 8pm

    Where there´s a will, there´s an idea. Radically subjective interpretation of relationship of two brothers (V. M. and V. K.), who lie in each other´s eyes.
    Dramaturgy: Fedor Blaščák
    Directed by: Martin Ondriska
    Music: Stanislav Beňačka, Marek Piaček
    Performers: Mio-Mio: Marek Piaček, Stanislav Beňačka
    Production: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie s podporou Ministerstva kultúry SR
    In Slovak and Czech.
    Admission: 5,00 / 3,00 € (adults [...]

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