Contemporary unconventional Czech film
author projection
Tuesday 26. 3. 2013, 19.00

Kniha o plánuTwo views on the unconventional Czech film. Authors - theater director Petra Tejnorová and visual artist Kristína Chrasteková will present their films, grounded on visual and non-linear narrative, based on the archetypal, surreal stories of the past. Both are also connected by different views on the possibilities of film art.

Kniha o plánu – Petra Tejnorová / ČR / 2013 / 32 min

video: Marek Bartoš
music: Needles
costumes, scenography: Antonín Šilar
production: Michal Somoš, Matěj Vlašánek
playing: Tonda Tran Huong Ly

Unlike usual genre of road movie, the film Kniha o plánu is possible to consider as a personal “walking story” with a touch of death. Eleven year old boy turns into a man - killer and he starts his almost solitary march through the land. This road gradually loses its line of real space-time, and becomes more symbolical pilgrimage, similar to film analogy of murderous Bildungs novel.

Divoce a prudce zvíře konější – Kristína Chrasteková / SR, ČR / 2012 / 21 min

camera: Markus Selg

Divoce a prudce zvíře konější

A film poem about three facts, linked by motion picture and spoken words, creates a rich audiovisual tapestry, pulsing at the interface between the human psyche and nature, landscape of nature and landscape of mind, living and inanimate. The work putted in the environment of the mountainous regions of Slovakia consists of a series of visual and literary scenes connecting captivating images with ritualized narrative motifs. Metaphysical linear story with no plot and denouement, uses popular iconography, personal mythology and archetypal symbolism to analyze the space between reality and dream.

Entry: 3,00 / 2,00 € (adults / students)

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