Pecha Kucha Night Žilina – Volume 19
20 photos x 20 seconds
Friday 22. June 2012, 8:20pm

Pecha Kucha Night Žilina – Volume 18The nineteenth evening dedicated to architects, designers, artists and other creative people and their projects, which are (almost briefly) good to know about. Their presentations are limited by 20 pictures x 20 seconds, which keeps the evening dynamic and precise.

On this years´ second Pecha Kucha Night, you´ll see:
- designer of planes Štefan Klein,
- graphic designer Peter Moravčík,
- fashion designer Mária Štraneková,
- designers Zuzana Kubánová and Michal Rafaj (Popular),
- shoe designer Juraj Suska,
- lights designer Ján Štofko,
- environmentalist Ľuba Vavrová
- visual artist Richard Loskot,
- H3T architects,
- visual artist Boris Sirka,
- architect Karol Loj from Reming Consult,
- architect Rudolf Tupý,
- and the concept by collective of architects (Tomáš Dupkala, Štefan Petras, Pavol Ružbarský, Matúš Repka, Marcela Sobčáková, Richard Fabrici, Katarína Luciaková, Marta Kanderková), how would Žilina join with the water, and become the pearl of Vah river in reality.

Admission: 5,00 / 3,00 € (adults / students); one Čierna hora beer included in the price
Ticket reservation:, 041 - 56 23 564

You can find photos on our flickr account HERE.


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