Faust (Alexander Sokurov)
film projection
Tuesday 20 March 2012, 7pm

FaustThis fairly odd movie is a stirring journey to the depth of a soul and carnality, full of poetic and harsh shots. It’s considered a strong reference to many human weaknesses and faults and rediscovering Faust, as a deep mortal story. Sokurov was loosely inspired by Goethe’s story, but the famous myth about soul-selling to the devil is being radically reinterpreted. Faust is a thinker and a rebel, but on the other hand, he’s also an anonymous person made of flesh and bones, who is controlled by inner greed and lust instincts.

After the motion pictures Moloch (about Hitler), Taurus (about Lenin) and The Sun (emperor Hirohito), Faust is a closure of Sokurov’s tetralogy. The film earned the Golden Lion prize in the “best motion picture” category at IFF 2011 in Venice.

Faust – Alexander Sokurov / Russia / 2011 / 134 min.

The screening is in German with Czech subtitles.

This movie is a start of our new program line - feature film. Within it, you will have the opportunity to see classic, experimental, new, thrilling, but mainly excellent artworks, that influenced, or have the power to influence the film language.

Admission: 3,00 / 2,00 € (adults / students)

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  1. Ocenil by som, keby k tým filmom dáva info či a s akými budú s titulkami.Nemám chuť sa prehnať do Žiliny na film, ktorému nebudem rozumieť. A tiež by nebolo odveci dávať do zátvorky okrem režiséra aj rok vydania filmu.

  2. Ahoj Duro, dnesny film je po nemecky s titulkami. Mas pravdu, musime si na to davat pozor, vacsinou to ale uz piseme. Resp. ak nepiseme, je to vzdy v slovensky zrozumitelnom jazyku alebo s titulkami. Marek

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