Photo/blog: Záriečie in Fire (juggling workshop)


Our volunteer Mario from Serbia carries on his juggling workshop and he is saying ciao not only from photos but in written words as well. He is sharing his impressions and experience after seven months here in Žilina. In Slovak version of the site, you can also check his daily-improving Slovak language. That is getting better and better thanks to language lessons (that every European volunteer gets) but also thanks to everyday contact with people of Žilina.

And now, the word from Mario himself:

Ok lets start easy

Almost half a year as a volounteer in Stanica , time is going faster and faster so i decided after few mounts resolving my lovley visa after this gift from imigration police i finaly could start with resolving ideas .
Afcourse i had free time to hang out with people to meet this city and have new contacts some of them for going out and some of them to work and go out :D , but most important thing is that i learnd to make
my volounteering productive and fun , and now i am in the middle of three from five ideas wich i am focused on . With one i started half mounth ago and that is workshop called Zaeiecie in Fire where i gathered juggalers
and young creative people wich are interesting in alternative way of dancing . Second is on camera wich Dusan gave me and now i gather material from Friday to Friday to make documentary movie called Welcome to Zombieland i like to
call this type of movie Horror documentary no more wrighting about it i dont want to scare zombies . Third is a small i like to call it festival because it would need a year to explain what is inside and what happend , but Project is called Crazy South wich is presenting my old Yugoslavia in real way how i use to see it , feel it , love it and hate it , from movies , presentations to historicians and explanations . Thanks for posting this on website wich i addore and i leave u because kitchen should be fonished sune and i want it so bad . Cjao bre …


photo: dusand, wanda

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  1. Paaaani, to je neuveritelny pisany prejav, Bernolak sa teraz snazi vyhrabat z hrobu a objat Maria :D

  2. Ahoj, dve zaneprázdnené maturantky sa pýtajú, či sa nechystá žonglovací workshop aj cez leto :) Ďík.

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