Film club One World: A Place without People
Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 7pm

Zem bez ľudíThe Tanzaninan National Park Serengeti is considered to be a model for human care for the wildlife. However, native people are not allowed to trespass it. Why? Said with a bit of irony, Masayans would prevent the tourists from seeing elephants. Animal hunt is strictly forbidden while tourists, for a fee, can hunt for anything. Having the example of these people, the film confronts the Western notions on nature protection and tourism. It shows how the intervention of tourists may negatively affect the life of the natives, who have been living in harmony with their environment for ages.

A Place without People - Andreas Apostolides / Greece / 2009 / 52 min. / Czech sbtl.

In English with Czech subtitles.

Admission: 2,00 / 1,00 € (adults / students)

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