Tag: ‘school’

  • 3P - Space for Move
    Lessons on contemporary dance for high schools

    Stanica Žilina-Záriečie launches a new continual project 3P – Space for move in cooperation with Dance theatre Alternatív. The project focuses on bringing contemporary dance closer to the public.

    3P – Space for move project offers interactive lessons on contemporary dance for students of high schools and primary artistic schools. The project brings also dance workshops [...]

  • One World for Schools
    25. 1. - 4. 2. 2010

    screenings for kids and youth (Stanica_FLUX)
    Topics of the film festival One World, dealing with human rights, are closely related to curricula of Civics, History, Geography. Serving also as supplementary material to the main topics at schools, films are made especially for elementary and secondary school students. In case you’re interested in broadening your horizons, and [...]

  • Program of Stanica for schools
    basic information

    A special category of the activities in Stanica are programs designed for schools (groups for pupils and students from 5 years old).

    The offer is not systematic yet, but reflecting actual demand and organizational capacity. In general the activity can have form of a short workshop, a visit to Stanica with commentary, a the theatre performance, [...]

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