Tag: ‘modré hory’

  • Program for February (English version)

    30.01 -10.02.2017, Monday – Friday,
    School projections of One World film festival

    Regional Echoe of the One World festival we have already implemented in November 2016, but projections of documents on topical themes, the world’s problems and possible solutions will be screened again intended for students of primary and secondary schools. Documents reveal civil, [...]

  • Modré hory & Roland Kánik
    Friday 16th January 2015, 8 pm

    Bene and Lyrik are from the different parts of spaces, their temperaments, voices, utterances are different, they come from different places and spheres. But their shared statement is fenomenal it comes from the darker non conform part of reality. The rapers will be accompanied by piano player Roland Kánik who s an author of background [...]

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