Tag: ‘interview’

  • The Painted Bird - interview with artists in residency

    Pavel Zuštiak is a Slovak dancer and choreographer living in New York City where he is heading his company Palissimo. Jaro Viňarský lived in Prague, more than a year ago moved to ŽŽilina, but mostly performs in Belgium. Together (Pavel as a choreographer, Jaro as a performer) they currently rehearse at Stanica developing a new [...]

  • Voices Live
    Wednesday 9. 9. 2009, 19.00

    Multidgenres event of Voices NGO (Stanica_CLASS)
    A multidisciplinary event offers several experiences within one evening. Projection of short videofilms, interviews with guests, acoustic concert by young Slovak band and reading of literary works will be brought together in a guided two-hour program. Voices Live is a continuation of five events organized in Bratislava in 2008. For [...]

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