Jožkalipnikjebožíčlověkaneumílhát! No.16
theatre sitcom
Thursday 12th February 2015, 7 pm

Jožkalipnikjebožíčlověkaneumílhát! (foto: Štěpán Látal)If you think that theatre cant take the form of the endless series you re wrong. Theatre sitcom Jožkalipnikjebožíčlověkaneumílhát! has 16th episode and its popularity is growing. You can follow the endless interviews full of jokes between the philosopher who is getting old Hermann Schlechtfreund and his tireless listener Jožko Lipnik for ten years. Not just in a theatre form but also in a comix which became kind of a cult on the behind page of cultural newspapers A2.

Presents: Monstrkabaret Freda Brunolda and Nová síť o.s.
Actors: Eduard Jenický and Václav Rašilov
Screenplay: Džian Baban and Vojtěch Mašek

Support: Nová síť o.s., Ministry of Culture CZ and The Capital Prague

Hovory z rezidence Schlechtfreund

Admission: 4,00 / 2,50 € (adults / students)
Reservation of tickets:, 0948 344 606
It is necessary to come for reserved tickets latest 15 minutes before the begining of the event. In other case they can be sold. Thanks for understandings.

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