Puppet Theatre na Rázcestí: Farbatolárium
theatre show for toddlers
Sunday 16. 3. 2014, 10.00am and 4.00pm

FarbatoláriumFarbatolárium is a third drama in the cycle of unique interactive theatre shows for toddlers and their parents (we hosted previous two pieces during 2013). In life of a man, colours play important role, mainly from the psychological aspect. By the colours people prefer, it is possible to characterize their mentality or momentary mood. Colours in space can regulate the performance or exhaustion, we can communicate by the colours with our environment, we can attract or warn others.

The show provides an inovative encounter between children and colours. Through the actors, they will get to know various materials and real objects. The actor reflects the reactions of the toddlers when the most important moment is the contact itself. The child has an opportunity to touch everything what actor is holding, child can move around the whole space, communicate or play.. in the end kids will get the colour pencils to draw their own vision of the world. Parents can stay calm - the only coloured person in the room will be the actor.

Farbatolárium (2013)
Costums: Františka Fehérová, a. h.
Director: Marián Pecko
Dramaturgy: Lea Vitkovská
Script and direction: Monika Kováčová, a. h.
Performer at Stanica: Peter Butkovský

The show is suitable for kids from age of 10 months to 3 years.
Admission 2.50 € / person or manikin.
The capacity of the theatre hall is limited, we suggest you to reserve your tickets in advance: rezervacie@stanica.sk, +421 948 344 606
Please, come to take your reserved tickets at furthest 15 minutes before start of the event, otherwise they will be sold. Thanks for understanding.

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