Memory Kontrol: We don’t want you here
discussion evening
Monday 14. 10. 2013, 18.00

Memory Kontrol

If we are thinking about minorities in the terms of the “geographical emancipation”, in other words, that they are seeking their place on the earth, where they would feel safe, then Central Europe was not their safe haven during the 20th century. On the contrary. By the opinion of American historian Tony Judt, the minorities were in the constant threat, because after the collapse of the monarchy in 1918, Central Europe became a space for the emergence of the small, changeable, vulnerable, bitter, irredentist and ethnically exclusive countries.

The subject of the discussion will be ethnical cleansing as a source of a collective trauma of the majority of the citizens. We will not analyze them historically, we will be rather interested in the question, if and how it is possible to „heal” collective trauma as a result of the etnical violence? With two renowned psychiatrists and with a cultural anthropologist we will examine the assumptions of trauma, analyze the special cases and finally the possible consequences of the dissplacement.

Discussion evening of Fedor Blaščák.

“Dealing with the past does not come just like that. And it has to come from within, no one from the outside can bring us wise counsel, how we have to do it” Fedor Blaščák for SME.


Jozef Hašto (1949)
Juraj Buzalka (1975)
Péter Hunčík (1951)

Entry: 2,00 / 1,00 € (adults / students)

podpora: MK SR, Nadácia Intenda, Visegrad Fund
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