Peter Biľak: The depth and the width
Wednesday 7. 8. 2013, 19.00

Dielo Petra Biľaka na výstave Sky Arts Ignition: Memory Palace, Victoria & Albert Museum, Londýn

The work of Peter Biľak on the exhibition Sky Arts Ignition: Memory Palace, Victoria & Albert Museum, London

In these days, experts and narrow profession specialization are appreciated the most. However, Peter Biľak argues that this approach may be too restrictive. The proof that a broad area of activities can enhance creative work can be seen from his work in the fields of typography, language, dance and in his magazines.

Peter Biľak is a globally known Slovak graphic and font designer who lives in The Hague where, together with Johanna Biľak, he is running the typeface studio Typotheque and is the co-founder of the Indian Type Foundry. Since 2000 he has been the author, editor and designer of a magazine about design and art titled DOT DOT DOT and since 2012 he has been publishing the newspaper Works That Work. He is the author of a series of post stamps for the Royal Dutch Mail who printed 140 million of his stamps in several reprints. He is teaching font design at the postgraduate course Type & Media at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague and gives lectures about graphic design and typography all over the world.

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The lecture will be a part of the workshop Living Underground 9: The mercenaries of the architecture.

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