Preßburger Klezmer Band
charity concert in orthodox synagogue
Wednesday 31. 10. 2012, 7pm

Ortodoxná synagóga, Dlabačova ul.After almost a year and a day a music band from Bratislava Preßburger Klezmer Band, the emotional and inspiring dance music of Central and Eastern Europe known as klezmer, plays another concert in a small Orthodox synagogue at Dlabačová street.

The synagogue still serves its original purpose and, in addition, the place of exposure Judaica of the Museum of Jewish Culture. Last year we were happy to use this space for Literature Night (Anna Šišková read there), and also mentioned concert. It was awesome so to repeat it was just a matter of time. Do not miss it and especially - book your tickets in advance, the capacity is not big and we will not sell the tickets on the door. In addition, all gathered money from tickets will go for the reconstruction of the New Synagogue.public donation for New Synagogue.

Preßburger Klezmer Band

Energetic musical cocktail Preßburger Klezmer Band is a mixture of Jewish, Balkan and oriental music, as well as the Slovak and Gypsy folklore - all with the essence of contemporary styles such as jazz, rock, reggae and latino. Pressburger Klezmer Band is one of the leading representatives of the European world music scene. Since its born, the band played many concerts not only in Slovakia (the last was in Bratislava with famous The Klezmatics in the project Stratené mesto (Lost City)), but also in Europe and overseas, ranging from multi-genre music festivals to concerts in classical music clubs and theaters, bringing compelling interpretation of the known and unique songs mostly in Yiddish, but also in Slovak, English and Balkan languages. This music is very expressive emotional and of course danceable. Pressburger Klezmer Band has five albums to it’s credit.

The concert will take place in Žilina as a part of project „Prebúdzame synagógy” ( “Awakening of Synagogue”) with financial support from the Council for Compensation of Holocaust Victims and Government Office, The Culture of National Minorities 2012. Organized in cooperation with the Jewish Religious Community in Žilina.

The concert is sold out.
Entry: 7.00 / 4.00 € (adults / students)
Reservations: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie (info about tickets: +421 41 56 23 564)

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