Peter Konečný:
When your jaw falls down – the most powerful one-shot scenes
Commented projection
Tuesday 14 February 2012, 7pm

JednozáberovkyThat awkward moment, when you wait for the cut – a basic film language intervention - and it does not come! Film scenes suddenly come to life in the rhythm of a prepared choreography of actors and cameraman. Sometimes they appear unexpectedly, but are a formal and ideational part of the film piece in its essence. Those kinds of scenes have their unique time status, close-ups, and specific narrative scheme. They are kind of short films immersed into the fiction whole. They’re fascinating, wonderful, unforgettable. Scenes made at one shot, that became a remarkable part of artistic and technical history of cinematografy, will be introduced to you by the editor of film portal, Peter Konečný.

Entry: 3,00 / 2,00 € (adults / students)

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