Preßburger Klezmer Band
special concert in the synagogue
Sunday 23. 10. 2011, 19.00

ortodoxna_synagoga_zilina_dlabacova The concert of very well known Preßburger Klezmer Band will take place in the little orthodox synagogue in Žilina (Dlabačova street, near the bus station) and this place, still used for its original purpose and also as an exposition of Jewish Culture Museum, will make it special. The concert is part of the project “Awaking the Synagogue” with the support of EZRA Foundation as well as The Office of Government of Slovakia. We could not imagine a better space to hear the original klezmer (music of the Central European Jews) as this one, so we invite you proudly to take part (please, book your tickets in advance as the capacity is very limited and there won’t be tickets on sale before the concert).

pressburger_klezmer_bandThe Preßburger Klezmer Band is a unique musical body from Bratislava, taking its inspiration from the emotive dance music of Central and Eastern Europe known as klezmer. The band serves up an energetic musical cocktail; a charming mix of Jewish, Balkan and Oriental music, complemented by Slovak and Gipsy folk elements – all combined with an essence of contemporary styles including jazz, rock, reggae and latino.

Since its foundation, the Preßburger Klezmer Band has performed on a variety of occasions in Slovakia and abroad, ranging from multi-genre music festivals to concerts in clubs and classical music halls. The band’s repertoire offers a captivating interpretation of well-known as well as unique songs usually sung in Yiddish, but also in Slovak, English and Balkan languages, expressing enthralling emotivenes. To date, the Preßburger Klezmer Band has released five albums.
Tickets: 7,00 / 4,00 € (adults / students)
Pre-sale: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie (information at or 041 - 56 23 564)

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