Letter to the neighbors of Stanica - do not call the police

miklos_suranyi_ghost_science_011Dear neighbors of Stanica, friends,

there are only two noisy weekends in the garden of Stanica - festival of contemporary theatre and dance KioSK (23. - 25. 7. 2010) and international animation film festival Fest Anča (30. 7. - 1. 8. 2010). Please, do not call the police when you hear music and noise reflected from the Rondel bridge, it is only twice this summer and we really appreciate your patience. (…) Better come and enjoy the festivals with us, as attachment to this letter you can find two free tickets.

(shortcut of the letter sent to the neighbors of Stanice, all the letter see at the Slovak page)

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  1. Toto by sme mohli rozniesť aj do schránok obyvateľov tých pár domov, ktoré na nás vidia cez cestu, hm?

  2. vsak tak to bolo myslene, je to list do schranok…roznasame ho. nielen do najblizsich domov, ale aj do tych kusok dalej, lebo aj tam pocut, co hrame…moze za to odraz od betonoveho rondela.

  3. je u Vás v 10 mesiaci koncert PSICH Vojakov ?

  4. Áno, Psí vojáci budú. Vo štvrtok 7. 10. počas Žilinského literárneho festivalu aj spolu s ďalšou kapelou Teatro Fatal mladého Ursínyho.

  5. Všetky potvrdené koncerty Stanice sa dajú nájsť na našom Last.fm profile - http://www.last.fm/venue/8823308+Stanica

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