Zuzana Burianová: Mandrake
Jaro Viňarský: Butticula – Fool’s Figures
Thursday 29. 4. 2010, 19.00

Contemporary dance (Stanica_LAB)

At the occasion of International Dance Day, two dance projects produced by Stanica will be performed this evening. The time after performances is reserved for discussion with the dancers – about their work as well as contemporary dance as such.

Zuzana Burianová: Mandrake

Solo project produced by dancer, choreographer and pedagogue Zuzana Burianová in cooperation with four musicians and film director. The first impulse for making the performance was Mandrake or Mandragora – known as herb (particularly for its root) or part of rituals, even as woodoo doll. Similarly to other root systems, this performance reflects an image branching, unification, repetition, opening, variation, expansion, or narrowing… ending up in one collective form.

Zuzana Burianová: Mandrake

Choreography and interpretation: Zuzana Burianová
Live music: Matej Vrábel – double bass, Peter Dvorský – viola, Marián Michalec – vibraphone, Pavol Kubalík – guitar
Camera, projection, music editing: Peter Pikna
Premiere: 19. 2. 2010, Stanica Žilina-Záriečie

Jaro Viňarský: Butticula – Figúry blázna / Fool’s Figures

Intense, intimate and extraordinary solo performances by a unique Slovak dancer Jaro Viňarský. The performances can be seen as continuous work-in-progress, and have been presented at various festivals (VAD, NU Dance Fest). They are never the same. The music, lights, scenography, duration change each time. Viňarský thus experiments beyond the limits of his own dance vocabulary.

Jaro Viňarský: Butticula – Fool’s Figures

Restlessly, I’m searching and looking for figures, forms of fool as they are known from available myths (Jester, Trickster). I’m searching for him inside, I can see him in different forms through people I meet.

Idea, choreography and dance: Jaro Viňarský
Scene: Ján Gašparovič
Lights: Katarína Ďuricová, Tomáš Morávek
Costumes: Hanka Lukšů
Premiere: 7. 12. 2008, Stanica Žilina-Záriečie

Language version: Without language barrier
Admission: 4,00 / 2,70 € (adults / students)
Tickets booking: rezervacie@stanica.sk, 041 - 56 23 564

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