Pecha Kucha Night For Haiti - our first school


On the 20th February 2010, the 7th anniversary of PechaKucha Night, 117 cities (and Stanica in Žilina in between them) came together on a single day and held events across the globe to support Architecture for Humanity’s plans for rebuilding in Haiti. Other PechaKucha events for Haiti during February took this total to 174, and with cities still holding PKN events for Haiti in March this total will top 200.

One month later - it gives us great pride in announcing that the PechaKucha global network of cities, organizers, presenters and fans has raised over $67,000 which allows Architecture For Humanity to build the first PechaKucha School in Haiti.

This just in from Cameron Sinclair from the AFH: “Our team arrived in Haiti last week, and we will know more about specific costs in the next few weeks. Our preliminary estimates for school costs are: Basic Costs
Main Teaching Blocks ($30,000), Toilet Block ($5,000), 
Cafeteria ($15,000),
Teachers Room ($5,000),
Landscaping/Reforestation ($5,000) =
Total: $60,000. We will know more about volunteer needs also in the next few weeks but probably won’t have volunteers there until the summer or later, so we will keep you posted on this.”

The first 30 presentations from Pecha Kucha Global Day for Haiti are already online and we have some really amazing content. The PechaKucha Presentations for Haiti will build here:

New presentations will be added daily, and you can donate to any of the presentations. You can optionally leave your name, so show your personal support for the presentations you like. Why not have a glass of water and watch a presentation and donate the cost of your coffee to building our 2nd school!

Some presentations are about Haiti pre and post earthquake, some about earthquake response, some about tsunami response, some are about rebuilding, some about why not to send tents to disaster areas. Some presentations do not relate to Haiti directly, but are about passions, obsessions, love and hates - but all the presentations were given to support the rebuilding in Haiti.

(Article was taken from, where you can read more about this action.)

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