299 € from Pecha Kucha Night Žilina for Haiti


280 € was the result from ticket sale for Pecha Kucha Night Žilina, Volume 10 / for Haiti, another 19 € was donation by theatre makers Ján Luterán and Mariana Ďurčeková, on 20th February 2010. Altogether 299 € that is going now to the Architecture for Humanity NGO working on reconstruction of the island after earthquake.

It only took seconds to destroy so many bright hopes and dreams in Haiti. The 280 city PechaKucha network joined with Architecture for Humanity to help rebuild Haiti 20 seconds at a time. People joined around the the world on 20th February for Global PechaKucha Day for Haiti - also in Stanica. Global Pecha Kucha network has aimed to raise $1,000,000 for rebuilding Haiti, so lets see.

On Saturday 20 February Pecha Kucha events were be held all around the world. All the PechaKucha Night cities were connected by a 24-hour PechaKucha presentation WAVE that gradually moved westward city by city, circumnavigating the globe. The wave was dropping in on each city for around 10 minutes for a video link up and a live presentation. This presentation wave was streamed over the internet on a 24-hour WAVE cast, which we think was a world first.

As well as raising awareness about the situation in Haiti, Global Pecha Kucha Day aimed to raise money for reconstruction in Haiti. How did we do this? At most event locations there was a suggested donation at the door, but this was completely discretionary. We estimate that PechaKucha for Haiti generated more than 2000 presentations - either on the 20th or at PechaKucha events before or afterwards. All of these presentations were recorded and uploaded to the PechaKucha Presentation Player where they can be viewed on line: http://www.pecha-kucha.org/presentations/

Each presentation will have a donation button where people can leave a donation, their name and a message. The idea is that the presenters can send a link to their presentation to friends and colleagues and encourage donations - rather like a sponsored walk. Some really amazing and well known presenters are stepping forward to make 20×20 presentations, so be prepared to be surprised - and be prepared to donate :-)

All the funds raised go directly to Architecture for Humanity’s 501(c) Non-Profit organisation in the US without passing through PechaKucha. One hundred percent of the money raised will be used for building facilities in Haiti - PechaKucha will not take anything. Normally at AFH, 88% of the money is spent on design and construction services, the remaining 12% going to fundraising, outreach and administrative costs. But since AFH have already covered the design costs regarding Haiti, all the funds raised by this event will be spent on reconstruction.

All the money (280 €) collected from tickets on Saturday February 20 at Stanica on Pecha Kucha Night will go to Architecture for Humanity as well. Thanks!


See here how it looked liked in Tokio at the end of 24-hours marathon of Pecha Kucha Global Day for Haiti:

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