Tag: ‘Tanecne divadlo Alternativ’

  • Zuzana Burianová and TDA: Expiraton Date
    dance performance
    Friday 15. June 2012, 7pm

    A dance performance about different forms of expectation, which are considered to be a specific code in morals of individuals, unless they “suffer” by it. The lights go out, and on again, and nothing changes; a body leant, but the fall is not comming; a deep breath, but you cannot hear anything…did you expect something?
    Director [...]

  • Zuzana Burianová and TDA: Diaries
    Contemporary dance, premiere
    Monday, May 16, 2011, 7pm

    Film and stage presentation on the topic of “Diaries” performed by Dance Theatre Alternativ will concern intimate space, which we either are willing to share or not. It’s about handwriting, script, fingerprints, footprints and everything that represents a certain form of diary.
    Choreographed and directed by: Zuzana Burianová

    Dramaturgy, photography, editing by: Peter Pikna
Cast: Dance Theatre Alternativ’s [...]

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