Tag: ‘swan bride’

  • Swan Bride, Genuine Jacks
    Saturday 25th October 2014, 8 pm

    Žilina´s Swan Bride released three studio albums and they work on new recordings this year which they will introduce at a concert in S2. They did tens of gigs accross all Europe, they play mix of punk, rock’n’roll, new wave, world music a they surely belong to the most interesting stuff we have on slovak [...]

  • The Swan Bride
    concert / album release party
    Friday, September 28, 8pm

    After their first EP „Monsters In Your Drawers“ and debut album „2“, Žilina´s band The Swan Bride is releasing new, self-titled record. Apart from courageous sound, there are melodies drawing ahead, together with songwritting and instrumental potential of the band, highly excessing other average native artists. Musicians depend on details and thus make an unique [...]

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