Tag: ‘singer-songwriter’

  • Tim Holehouse (Uk)
    Monday 16. 9. 2013, 8pm

    English blues-folk musician Tim Holehouse has played in Žilina quite regularly. „I travel and play, damn! My music has roots in delta blues and is adapted by myself. I live by my own rules which can be described by words of my friend from Winnipeg. Creativity, adventure and people.” Tim’s goal is to play and [...]

  • Tim Holehouse (Uk)
    Sunday, October 30, 2011, 8pm

    Stanica’s got bluesy. First concert in reconstructed bar will play english blues musician Tim Holehouse.
    „I travel I play music for music’s sake. It has its roots in the delta blues with my own personal twist on it. I live by my rules and those rules are best summed up by something a friend of mine [...]

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