Tag: ‘pucho’

  • Behind the bar: Jam session #1
    improvisational event
    Friday 16. 5. 2014, 8.00pm

    Opened cycle of evenings Behind the bar will provide space for local as well as non local artists/musicians in adventurous situations of improvisation. The formations, concerts, emotions will be improvised, as well as the audience will have an opportunity to participate in the process. Everything will be made on the spot, at the moment, so [...]

  • Sit Down Comedy
    Friday 28. 3. 2014, 8.00pm

    Sit Down Comedy is a spectacular talkshow by Čukan – Čmina creative collective. Evening of improvisation, music and freestyle. Music guest Pink Horse Trio and mc duo Tonno & Kilogramo & Gita in the end. Come and sit down.
    You know these fellas from popular impro-group 3T. This time, they are coming with a special format [...]

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