Tag: ‘audio-visual’

  • SeEun Lee / Petr Vrba / Michal Zbořil
    AV performance
    Wednesday 13. 2. 2013, 8 pm

    Audiovisual, electroacoustic and mechanical exploration of improvisational relationships.
    SeEun Lee is using magnets, minerals, particles and other physical objects to interpret sounds into images. On the other hand Zboril and Vrba convert electronic (synthesazors) and acoustic (wind instruments) streams into sound part of the magical dance of magnets. They can dance toward or away from each [...]

  • Music Laboratory meets Ears Chewing
    Friday 22. 1. 2010, 20.00

    Audio-visual party with non-music (Stanica_LAB)
    Music trip into some less attended yet more interesting destinations: experimental electronics, dark-ambient, noise and drone. Special evening guest is an Englishman Mark Spybey with his project Dead Voices On Air, supported by Slovak POO, Rentip, Urbanfailure, PRLN and Makkatu. Visual design handled by Zden, Gnd, Tove and Xado.
    Dead Voices On [...]

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