FEAR / Origin of the state

We want to contribute towards the discussion about the idea of the statehood and concept of the natural law as well as to reflect upon the position of liberalism in former communist countries nowadays. The project is divided into 2 lines: academic research and artistic production. Research will be realized by intellectuals, curators and activists. Research in former communist countries follows the development of new economic and state
establishment after 1989.

Nie oni, my / Fedor Blaščák

The research will collect the materials for the exhibition. Research questions will be resolved through artistic exhibition and discourse production during the group show taking place in the premises of the New Synagogue / Kunsthalle Zilina in September-November 2015. The scale of the research and the list of selected artists focuses on V4 and goes also in a wider Visegrad context taking into account also another countries which emerged as new states after 1989: Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia. The exhibition (main curator Fedor Blascak) will be the profiling event of newly emerged Kunsthalle Zilina.

Partners of the project:
Zamek Cieszyn (The Castle Cieszyn)
Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója Egyesület (The Studio of Young Artists ́ Association)
DOX Centrum současného umění (DOX Center for contemporary art)

Financial support of the project:
International Visegrad Fund

Support: International Visegrad Fund

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