THeatre Quadricycle: Long - Large - Perspicacious
theatre for kids
Sunday 1st March 2015, 3 pm and 5 pm

imgoThere s an old king and his son - prince living at a royal court. Old king knows that the time is passing and life must go on so he refers his keys and family heritage to his son. But the prince suddenly knows where his heart is and he starts to travel. Who will he meet and what adventure will he go through? The name of the fairytale can be a clue for you.

Made by:
(c) Tomáš Hudcovič, Hana Hudcovičová Lukšů
Miroslav Sedlák, Pavol Húšťava, Jaroslav Súkeník (scenography)
Juraj Mýtny (music)
Juraj Tabaček, Lukáš Púchovský (voice records)

Two performances will take place - at 3 pm and 5 pm. One performance lasts about 50 minutes and it s suitable for kids from 3 years of age. After the end of performance you will have a possibility to see the backstage, puppets, coulisses, etc.

Admission: 4,00 € / person from 3 years of age, one from the couple of parents is not paying
We recommend reservation of tickets:, 0948 344 606
It s necessary to come for reserved tickets latest 15 minutes before the start of event

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