Carp on the Scene: About the Small Dog and the Small Cat
theatre performance for kids
Sunday 30th November 2014, 3.30 pm and 5 pm


Funny performance directed by artistic group “Carp on the Scene” from Žilina. Story about cat Micka who became a doctor and dog Bodrík who helps her “as an ambulance“. Together (also with kids spectators) they help turkey with wounded wing, they choose the right glasses for a mole and help small pig to finally have a bath.

2 performance - at 15.30 and 17.00.
Admission: 4,00 € / person or little person from 3 years of age
We recommend a reservation of tickets:, 0948 344 606
It s necessary to come for reserved tickets at least 15 minutes before the start of the event. Otherwise they can be sold out. Thanks for understanding.

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