Miro Tóth and Michal Paľko: Zub za zub
one-act video opera / Vážna hudba nevážne
Wednesday 26. 3. 2014, 8.00pm

Zub za zubOne-act video opera for a soloist, presampled choir of Banská Štiavnica citizens, extensive vocal and sopran saxophone, created during the residency of the authors in June 2013 in cultural center Banská St a nica Contempory.

Few kilometers from the center of Europe, industrial ruins surround mining town, famous in the past. Visitor from the capital city is coming into a place of former industrial glory. A man from Bratislava, who also wants to own a part of the history because it is exhibited to the eyes of tourists and does not belong to the locals anymore. In the city center, there is a famous, historical ruin which would do the work: a house of Maximilián Hell.


main role: Marek Kundlák
cymball: Michal Paľko
sopran sax, extensive vocal: Miro Tóth
cello: Andrej Gál
Choir of presampled citizens of Banská Štiavnica

Admission: 3.00 / 2.00 € (adults / students)

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