Mojše band
concert in Orthodox synagogue at Dlabačova st.
Wednesday 23. 10. 2013, 7pm

Mojše bandOctober concerts in the Orthodox synagogue has become a tradition in past few years. After two shows of Preßburger Klezmer Band, this time we are introducing you Mojše band. The band interprets mainly jewish music from the central european region and represents the style of jewish art known also as luftmenschn. From 16th century, Luftmenschn was specific genre of less serious amusement within the jewish community. It represented kind of set of informal dialogue connecting literature, theatre and mainly music.

Mojše Band has toured Slovakia, Czech republic, Poland and has cooperated with various theatre companies and performed in many major festivals. One of their main success is release of their CD Shabbath songs JAM. On the regular basis, they work with the first Polish Rabbi Tanya Segal on the musical interpretation of Kabbalath Shabbath liturgy. Recently, Mojše Band cooperates with Berlin rabbi school Gaiger Collegue.

Mojše Band: Michal Paľko (cymbalo, vocal, furulya), František Kubiš (accordion), Lukasz Labusga (tube)

Entry: 5.00 / 3.00 € (adults / students)
Presale: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie (info: +421 41 500 50 64)

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