Divadelné centrum Martin: Ako išlo vajce na vandrovku (How the egg went for a trip)
puppet theater
Saturday 9. 2. 2013, 16.00

vajceOnce upon a time, there was one egg. It didn’t want just to lay around the home, so it went for a trip… Evergreen among the children tales and also suitable for audience at their most early age.

Ako išlo vajce na vandrovku (2006)
Directed by: Tomáš Hudcovič
Performers: Lukáš Púchovský, Tomáš Hudcovič
Scenography: Pavol Húšťava
Production: Divadelné centrum Martin, www.divadelnecentrum.sk

Entry 3,00 € / person
Tickets booking: rezervacie@stanica.sk, 041 - 56 23 564

After the performance you can stay for a while in our cafe at a small workshop of kindersurprise miniaturs.kinder

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