4.813 votes for S3! We will get the grant. Thank you!

s3_vizualizacia_kontajnery1Thanks to all your votes, we succeeded to get support from SPP Foundation - more than 4.813 votes placed our S3 on the second position from 240 projects competing for grant. See the photoreport bellow how we finally fighted for every vote in the city centre. Together with donation of Snadík family and 2% of your taxes we have fundraised nearly 30-thousands euros. So we can can again start to experiment with low-cost and alternative architecture, and develop a new space for contemporary art named S3. It won’t be easy, but we would like to start to start in Spring 2013.

s3_zahrada1What is S3? Since the building of S2 theatre, we are working on a project of third Stanica building. We introduced first designs a year ago. Again, it´s an ultra low-cost project.

s3_zahrada3The gallery and studios will be created from eight excluded shipping containers. By this, we´re gonna create new opportunities for the works of young artists and designers. Three-storey space will include workrooms, studios, exhibition areas, as well, as offices. The authors of the project are: architect Martin Jančok with landscape architect Michal Marcinov and designer Peter Liška. At the moment, there are also Dutch-Serbian architects Stealth Unlimited working on the concept, creating with us a “catalogue” of potential waste and recycled materials good for construction or completing of the building. You can join us though and let us know about materials that are produced by your company as waste - palettes, metal, wood, … or any other material that you are able to donate for this project - windows, doors, floors, electro, concrete, … Having on mind the current prices of old shipping containers, we will probably have to search for alternative of the main construction item, but we are still positive and hope to find them - if you know about one or more 12-metres long container not more expensive than 2.000 eur, please let us know!

And follow the ongoing process, it is going to be an adventure again!

These activities are part of the Engine Room Europe, a project initiated by the network of independent cultural centers Trans Europe Halles. The creation of S3 is supported by following donors:


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1 Comment

  1. bůahopřání Bám letí zez Plzně, jste opravdu dobří … TLESKÁME

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