Tomáš Morávek (CZ) - new artist in residency

tomas_moravek“Imagine to come into an art gallery for exhibition of empty picture frames. Such is the theatre when technicians come in. It is still empty, without lights, scenery, props. My long-time theatre project – performance The Technicians – will deal with life of technicians „on the stage which is the world“. On the stage, which is ruled by technician before and after performance. It is a piece about the world behind the backdrop, stepladders, there in the dark. About the mysterious men in black, who re/move certain objects in order to create theatre illusions. About technology, which is invisible, and hidden from the audience, creating illusions and helping the director (who is often unfamiliar with these things) to realize his or her artistic vision.”

Tomáš Morávek, Czech light designer and technician, is new artist in residency in Stanica thanks to the support of International Visegrad Fund from July until September 2011. He is working on different researches and evaluations of possibilities of lights, sound and other technical and spatial and kinetic conditions and finally he aiming at creation of his own piece. If interested more in his process of work, you can join him, he will be happy to have your help.

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