Tomáš Rafa:
New Nationalism in the Heart of Europe
Authorial film projection
Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 7pm

Nový nacionalizmus v strednej EurópeGay Pride in Bratislava, Anna Malíková screaming at SNS meeting, anti-fascist blockade in Brno, radical nationalists march in Warsaw, “Sorry” graffiti inscription on the anti-Romani wall in Eastern Slovakia… Another cinema Tuesday at Stanica will present videos and documentaries by Tomáš Rafa, a graduate of Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and the Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts. For more than two years, his video project has been exploring the thin line between patriotism and nationalism, racist and xenophobic signs behind demonstrations, blockades, protests and everyday life in Poland, Czech, Hungary and Slovakia (V4 countries).

Followed by discussion with the author.

Admission: 2,00 / 1,00 € (adults / students)

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