!event cancelled!
Game of Skate
Saturday 24. 4. 2010, 12.00 – 19.00


Four wheels and a board – a simple invention with simple design yet difficult in operation, movements, ride. As post-program of bike ride – feel free to join meeting, exhibition and contest of those who are in favour of hand drive transport.

Game of Skate

If you have a “board”, come to compete with skaters from all over Slovakia. It is one of the few public events, seen as illegal meetings of this form of positive vandalism. Their figures supplement public space with playful dimension, despite the fact that these skaters are not always politically correct towards stairs, pedestrians and street culture as such.

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  1. Kúl fotka :)
    A super, že takéto robíme.

  2. ah škoda toho…

  3. …a preco sa to vlastne zrusilo??? ..nie zeby som sa prisiel pozriet, sorry…len ma to tak zaujima :)

  4. lebo minulý sobotu (17.4) malo byť game of skate v Liptovskom Mikuláši, kde by bola aspoň táto akcia v ZA viac propagovaná, no skrz nehody poliakov a štátnym smútkom sa game of skate v LM musela presunúť na ďalšiu sobotu - 24.4. kde sa vlastne tieto dve súťaže kryjú… a keďže v LM je pre skejterov zaujímavejšia a lukratívnejšia ponuka, tak všetci išli tam a v ZA by nemal kto jazdiť :D

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