István Csákany (Hu): Provincia Models
projekt 28. 5. - 20. 7. 2008

Site-specific exhibition-installation by Hungarian artist, Visegrad Artist in Residency Program (Stanica_LAB)


Life in the province that needs its heros, its kitch and its feeling of (small)city. Exhibition opening of the artist that cooked for us last summer and was resident-artist thanks to Visegrad stipend.

“Where is Provincia, where does it starts? Is the countryside Provincia? Is it Eastern Europe Provincia of West? Everything outside metropolitan cities Provincia? Does it mean that we are all provincial? Or can it be that Provincia is something like reservation for special thoughts out of mainstream?”, István Csákány is asking and changing the gallery in Stanica for a museum of his Provincia Models. His recent paintings and installations are questioning the notion of province. According to the socialist aesthetic and mentality he is creating everything D.I.Y.

There is going to be a second part of his project - a permanent installation in Stanica surrounding. We will let you know in August about it.

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