Tag: ‘peter machajdik’

  • Lucia Kašiarová, Peter Machajdík: AREA
    multigenre performance
    Thursday 6th November 2014, 7 pm

    Exceptional connection of two succesfull slovak artists - music composer Peter Machajdík and dancer and choreograph Lucia Kašiarová. Firstly they met on the same stage during the festival KioSK 2011 and from that time their cooperation started intensively for next years. Project AREA is continuation of this activity which led to multigenre performance where the [...]

  • Sekatshi dobrotti
    concert / Classical music unseriously
    Wednesday 29. 5. 2013, 20.00

    Sekatshi dobrotti are a random selection from infinite space of possibilities of musical composer and keyboardist Peter Machajdík, violinist Peter Krajniak and musician and theater director Jozef Vlk.
    Peter Krajniak was studying violin on conservatory in Bratislava, VŠMU and at Academy of art in Banská Bystrica. He was concert master in Komorní sólisti Bratislava, he was [...]

  • Photo: Silent night

    Stanica was honoured to host 4 piano players spending 1 day (or 24 hours {or 86 400 seconds}) behind white grand piano which we have thanks to all of you who donated in the collection. Ivan Šiller, Fero Király, Zuzana Biščáková and Kamil Mihalov played from Saturday 6pm until Sunday 6pm Erik Satie’s piece Vexations [...]

  • Silent night
    24-hour nonstop happening
    Saturday - Sunday, December 17-18, 6pm - 6pm

    Cluster ensemble in collaboration with Transmusic comp. prepared a 24-hour version of the song „Vexations“ by Erik Satie. Extraordinary event that only few may challenge to accomplish – five pianists take turns at the piano for exactly 86 400 seconds. Come, and leave whenever during this event. But don´t miss it!
    The 1893 composition Vexations by french composer [...]

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